- by Patrick Jennings
- 2 minute read
Our Top Protein Bar Picks
Living our active, busy lives makes getting in proper nutrition hard as f#$k sometimes. Ideally, your nutrients and daily food needs would come from whole foods. However, this is not always the case for most people.We get it!
Kids, spouses, meetings, gym workouts, random life adventures get in the way of always sitting down to a meal. Yet, when you walk into the closest convenience store you are met with a wall of options, how do you know which bar is the best choice for you?
What to look for…
- Does it have minimal ingredients?
- Is it a good protein source? (10g is good, 20g is better!) Protein helps to keep us feeling full and energized, but we usually undershoot the amount of protein our body needs daily. Bars can help to boost our protein intake!
- Are there empty calories or sugar? If the bar uses whole food products to make their snacks then sugar content is nothing to be afraid of. But if the bars are made of ingredients you can’t identify then that sugar is most likely high processed and aiming for a lower sugar content will be helpful in maintaining blood sugar levels and controlling hunger spikes.
Here are our top “grab and go” bars that we love! Grab one on the go or stock up for those moments when the Hangry Monster roars its head on your next family vacation or staff meeting.
RXBAR (Sold at AMP)
- **Whole food protein option**
- Only 4-6 ingredients
- 12g of protein that come from 3 egg whites, nuts to provide flavor and texture, 2 dates to provide natural sweetness and the other ingredients are all real food ingredients to give the bars flavor (100% cacao, blueberries, coconut, etc)
- no added sugar, gluten, dairy, or soy
- around 200 calories, 4g fiber in every bar
- Paleo-Friendly, Whole30 compliant
- 8 flavors (we can’t decide on which one we like the best)
- not as common in grocery stores, but available for purchase online and at AMP!
- **meat option**
- minimal ingredients mainly consisting of meat and nuts
- range between 8g-15g protein per bar
- 9 delicious flavors
- Now easy to find at many grocery stores
- The Bison Bacon and Cranberry is unreal!
QUEST (Sold at AMP)
- **Whey option**
- These bars are popular now so you can usually find them in almost all stores and and even gas stations!
- There are so many flavors and they are consistently coming out with new ones
- they travel well and last long
- They list all their ingredients on their website and tell you where and why they are used
- usually have around 20g of protein per bar
- its hard not to enjoy a cinnamon roll bar, diced, toasted and added to vanilla frozen yogurt
- 4 flavors, with other Chia bar options
- Vegan, made with plate based protein
- lower in sugar than most bars you find in the store
- 10g of protein per bar
- Grain, dairy, and soy free
- Available online and at select stores
Happy eating and let us know if there is one we missed that you LOOOOVE below!