Give Your Hotel Gym The Action It Deserves With These Workouts

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Warm, sweaty, and eerily sterile…

That’s how I’d describe the last hotel gym that I was in.


Upon walking in, I noticed a guy doing something that resembled a bicep curl, overhead press, and squat all at once… While his wife sat next to him and watched.


Then, to my right,  was a 6-year-old (or very young looking, very short adult) on the treadmill, yelling incoherently and eating cheerios. Great parenting mom, and dad.

For many, this would be the perfect opportunity to GTFO (Get The F Out) and get back to something more enjoyable like oh I dunno, vacation or taking a nap.

But thankfully, I’ve got a pair of headphones, a few go-to hotel workouts that help me feel great and get out of the gym quickly.

Today, I’m going to share with you the strategies that I like to use to keep my momentum going while traveling and a few examples of how I use them.

Workout 1: Density

Here’s why Density Training frickin’ rocks: It’s quick, effective for fat loss and muscle building, and even pretty fun to do.

Put simply, Density Training is when you pick two exercises and repeat them back-to-back for 8-10 minutes. The goal is to get as many rounds as you can with clean technique in the 10 minutes, rest for a bit, and get on with your life.

Here’s my favorite hotel-gym density workout:



Workout 2: Ladders

So simple, yet so sinister. See, ladders aren’t something where you need much to get a great workout in hardly any time. Simply pick 1-2 exercises and do them as if you were going up or down a ladder of repetitions. Example:

1A) Push-Up x 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

1B) Squat x 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

You would perform each exercise back-to-back ( do 10 push-ups, followed by 10 squats, then 9 of each and so on…)

Here’s one of my favorites:



Workout 3: Mobility Flows

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If you’ve ever sat on a train, plane, or automobile for more than a few minutes, you’re familiar with that odd, creeky feeling that comes along with getting up from sitting in the same place for hours on end.

Mobility flows aren’t just yoga for meatheads, but also a great way to combat the tight muscles and lethargy you may feel after a long day of traveling.

This is because you’ll get your heart rate up thanks to its faster-than-yoga pace — and that means more happy hormones to combat post-flight lethargy!




STOP. Read This.

Believe it or not, working out on vacation is 100% negotiable. See, fitness is something that you should do so that you can enjoy your life — especially time with loved ones — even more. In no way do we encourage you to miss out on creating memories with your family to go to the gym instead.

If you need to edit anything, feel free. Do fewer repetitions or set a timer for a few minutes less.

Go out there, use fitness to help you live your best life and enjoy 🙂

P.S. If you want to learn more ways to beef up your workouts, let us help by teaching you all the things!  Just tell us a little about yourself and we’ll reach out to help you learn how to nail your exercise, lifestyle and personal fitness goals!

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