Jill’s Whole30 Breakfast Hash

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That’s right, I’m talking Whole30 options today.


If you’re not familiar with the Whole30 Plan here are some Things You Should Know Before Starting Whole30. And while we don’t endorse any one eating style, I do know some of you Super Humans will follow this plan from time to time. I’m here to help guide you.

At AMP, we believe in the concept of good quality foods that Whole30 promotes and you CAN find some amazing recipes to chow down while trying new foods you haven’t crossed paths with yet!

As with any food lifestyle change there is a right way to do it and a silly way to do it.  Keep in mind that your body NEEDS calories to function so this is not a diet or calorie restriction option.  It does keep your focus on wholesome ingredients, while pressing pause on some food items that we can tend to over indulge in.  

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Having some members of AMP who enjoy the Whole30 Plan helps with providing to the whole community. It’s so cool to learn and figure stuff out TOGETHER! One of those Super Humans has insane ninja-skills at creating and finding Whole30 recipes that always sound so delightful.

Here is her favorite breakfast option that is Whole 30 approved:

Jill’s Whole30 Breakfast Hash

Whole 30 Breakfast HashWhole 30 Breakfast Hash

INGREDIENTS (serves one)

  • 1 small sweet potato, peeled and diced (about 1 cups)
  • 1 link chicken sausage ( Aidell’s chicken apple is yum!)
  • 1/2 cup diced bell peppers (any colors)
  • 1/2 small white/yellow onion, chopped
  • 2 teaspoons coconut oil
  • Two eggs


  1. Dice potato, onion and peppers (can be done in a food processor or a Vidalia Chop Wizard.) 
  2. Put coconut oil into hot pan. Add peppers/onions/potato. 
  3. Season with salt and pepper. 
  4. Dice sausage, add to pan. When sweet potatoes and sausage have some color on them, form two pileswith a depression in the center of each. 
  5. Crack eggs into a bowl, careful not to break the yolk ( if you do, thats ok, its all going the same place!).
  6. Drop one egg each into the depression in the hash. Cover and cook on medium for 5 minutes or until eggs are set to your liking. 
  7. TIP for more servings: You can also make a larger batch and crack the eggs on top of the whole sausage/veggie mixture.  No need to make separate piles.
  8. Plate and enjoy!

For AMP Members: make sure to check in on our private Facebook Page for the #AMPTribe

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Lindsay is the co-founder and First Lady of First Guess Fitness. She’s the head nutrition coach in our AMPed Nutrition coaching program and implements a body-positive strategy to help our members NAIL their health and nutrition goals. She’s also soon-to-be mom (yay!) and is a pre- and post-natal coach for all things fitness.

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